5 best warm beverages to boost immunity in winters

Winter can usher in various seasonal ailments, but adjusting your diet to the season can enhance your immunity. While many prefer tea and coffee as go-to warm drinks during winter, excessive consumption of high-caffeine beverages can lead to dehydration, causing issues like constipation, stomach burning, and worsening anxiety symptoms. To combat winter-specific health issues, consider swapping traditional teas and coffees for more nourishing and hydrating options. Soups, infused water, cinnamon tea, jeera water, and ragi malt are excellent warm beverages that offer comfort in the biting cold while keeping you well-hydrated.

Here’s a list of five winter-friendly warm beverages that can contribute to maintaining immunity and hydration:

  1. Herbal Teas: Opt for herbal teas such as peppermint, green tea, chamomile, ginger, and lemon. To add a healthy twist, incorporate 2 tablespoons of soaked chia seeds, a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
  2. Sattu Drink: Blend nutritious sattu flour made from roasted chickpeas with hot water, a pinch of black salt, and a dash of lemon juice. For added flavor, mix in roasted cumin powder and jaggery powder (optional). This protein-rich drink is especially beneficial for pregnant and lactating mothers.
  3. Soups: Nutrient-rich vegetable soups or meat broths, abundant in vitamins and minerals, provide both hydration and energy. Adding pepper can help alleviate symptoms of cold or nasal congestion.
  4. Golden Milk: Combine 2 cups of milk with a pinch each of turmeric powder, pepper, cinnamon, and grated ginger (½ inch) in a saucepan. Bring it to a boil, then simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Optionally, add 1 tsp of honey for sweetness. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties help ward off infections during winter, and the spices contribute warmth to the body.
  5. Cinnamon Tea: Simmer a pinch of powdered cinnamon in boiling water, then filter and consume with a few drops of honey and lemon. This healthy and refreshing drink also aids in boosting metabolism during the winter months.
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