5 foods you must consume to manage blood pressure naturally

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is regarded as a silent killer since it can harm your arteries severely and make them less elastic, which could disrupt the flow of blood and oxygen to your heart and make you more vulnerable to heart problems and heart attacks. It might be challenging to understand how high blood pressure is affecting your body, unlike other chronic illnesses like diabetes, which have obvious symptoms like hunger, feeling weak, and sleepiness if your blood sugar levels are not under control. High blood pressure symptoms include headaches, breathing difficulties, nosebleeds, and nervousness. High blood pressure can cause kidney damage, heart failure, a stroke, and other health problems if it is not managed.

Making some lifestyle modifications is advised in addition to taking medication to naturally lower blood pressure.

1. Black Pepper

Black pepper, also known as kaali mirch, is a powerful and pungent spice that is present in almost all Indian cuisines. It balances Vata and Kapha and has a hot potency. It is very easy to digest. The greatest candidates for it are those with high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

2. Amla

Amla season is well underway, and the powerful fruit is in great supply at this time of year. The citrus fruit is the ideal fruit for persons with high blood pressure because it has all Ayurvedic flavors except for lavana (salty).

3. Garlic

Garlic has anti-hypertensive properties due to its piercing, pungent, and vata-kapha lowering features, which aid in cleaning the body’s channels. It is a good natural cure for high blood pressure (best for blockages).

4. Black raisins

The dried black grapes used to make kaali kishmish’s black raisins. They are a great source of fiber and other nutrients, and they can be added to many desserts. They have potassium in them, which lowers blood pressure.

5. Arjun Tea

Arjun is the greatest Ayurvedic herb for cardioprotection. Additionally, it supports appropriate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

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