5 herbs that can improve your respiratory health

Our ability to breathe is a vital bodily function, and maintaining excellent respiratory health is important for general wellbeing. While there are many ways to maintain the health of our respiratory system, employing herbs is a safe and efficient method. There are so many respiratory issues in India that the country is home to over 32% of all people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Air pollution is the primary factor contributing to the nation’s alarming increase in cases of tuberculosis and other chronic respiratory illnesses like asthma.

These five herbs have a number of miraculous properties that can help you breathe easier and keep your lungs robust and healthy, including:

1. Tulsi

Almost every Indian home contains the common ayurvedic plant tulsi, often known as basil. Tulsi naturally strengthens immunity because of its high concentration of antioxidants, zinc, and vitamin C. Tulsi also has antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that support respiratory health and help fight infections. Tulsi leaf juice and honey can be used to treat bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough, and colds. Moreover, it improves pulmonary blood flow and blood cleansing.

2. Licorice Root 

This component can aid in treating a number of chronic conditions, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and asthma, but it is most typically chewed to treat a sore throat and a cough. The active component of the liquorice root, glycyrrhizin, a tannin, aids in expanding lung capacity and fortifying the body’s defenses against infections.

3. Long peppers

Colds and coughs can be effectively treated with the herb pippali. It is a blessing for the entire respiratory system, in accordance with Ayurveda. Along with aiding in improving lung function, the active ingredient piperine also has expectorant, carminative, and anti-infective properties. Long pepper powder should also be taken with honey or as part of a normal diet because it has potent anti-inflammatory and respiratory infection prevention properties.

4. Kalmegh 

The root and leaves of kalmegh are commonly used by ayurvedic practitioners to treat a variety of respiratory ailments. When it comes to treating infections, fever, the common cold, cough, flu, and other respiratory problems, kalmegh’s potent anti-inflammation, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, and immune-stimulating properties are beneficial.

5. Vasaka 

A traditional Ayurvedic treatment for respiratory conditions is vasaka leaf, also known as adhatodavasica or malabar nut. It works as a strong respiratory system activator, opening the airways and promoting bronchodilation while treating bronchitis, tuberculosis, and other lung conditions. Prepare a drink from Vasaka leaves and consume it to get relief from your cough and other cold symptoms.

The lungs are said to be protected from dangerous chemicals and pollutants by the healing characteristics of the aforementioned herbs. They are also thought to treat common respiratory issues, enhance immunity, and improve general health. Nonetheless, always seek quick medical attention if symptoms increase or in emergency situations.

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