5 tips to get rid of Hangxiety

People often talk about feeling bad physically after drinking alcohol, but not as much about how it affects the mind. “Hangxiety” is a word for the mix of anxious feelings and physical symptoms you might get the day after drinking a lot, like feeling tired, having a headache, or feeling sick.

Alcohol can mess neurotransmitters in your brain. At first, it might help you feel more relaxed, but later it can make you feel more anxious and worried. If you wake up feeling anxious after drinking heavily, it could be because of hangxiety, which can be tough to deal with.

Here are some tips to help with hangxiety:

  1. Drink Mindfully: Try not to drink too much at once. Set limits for yourself, drink water between alcoholic drinks, and eat while you drink. Knowing your own limits can help you avoid hangxiety.
  2. Take Care of Yourself: When you wake up feeling bad after drinking, don’t just stay in bed. Drink water, eat nutritious food, and take vitamins to help your body recover.
  3. Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, gentle exercise, and calming scents can help ease your anxious feelings. Some natural remedies like Bach Flower Remedies might also help.
  4. Avoid More Alcohol: Drinking more alcohol might seem like a quick fix, but it’ll just make things worse in the long run. It might feel better temporarily, but it’ll make your anxiety come back stronger later.
  5. Get Help if You Need It: If you often have hangxiety or if it’s really bad, talk to a mental health professional or join a support group. It could be a sign of a bigger problem that needs attention.
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