6 foods you must eat to avoid blood sugar spike

The pandemic is finished, but new research have shown that the epidemic of chronic diseases is quickly expanding. According to a recent study by the ICMR that was published in the international journal, India has a startling 101 million cases of diabetes and 136 million prediabetics or those who are at risk of developing the condition. Our efforts to fight the disease must also get stronger as the diabetes issue worsens. Immediately altering our lifestyle choices, beginning with our eating routines, can help prevent metabolic disorders. Making a conscious decision to eat more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and legumes can avoid diabetes. If you already have diabetes, good diabetes management will help you avoid various complications.

1. Methi (fenugreek)

A well-known treatment for controlling blood sugar levels is fenugreek seeds. These seeds include substances that can enhance insulin sensitivity and are high in soluble fiber. Fenugreek seeds can be useful if they are soaked over night and eaten the next morning on an empty stomach. For an additional boost in fiber, fenugreek leaves can also be added to curries, stir-fries, or parathas.

2. Spinach and other green vegetables

The lush green vegetable spinach is stacked with fiber and other necessary elements. It can control blood sugar levels and has a low glycemic index. For a nutritious, fiber-rich choice, incorporate spinach into your diet through curries, salads, or sautéed foods.

3. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. When submerged in liquid, they develop a gel-like material that delays digestion and stabilizes blood sugar levels. For a healthy, fiber-rich snack, add chia seeds to yogurt, smoothies, or make delectable chia seed puddings.

4. Guava

An abundant source of dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber, is the tropical fruit guava. Due to its low glycemic index, it may lessen the risk of blood sugar rises. For a hydrating and fiber-rich treat, enjoy guava as a snack or add it to salads, smoothies, or fruit chaats.

5. Broccoli

A cruciferous vegetable that is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals is broccoli. It can help control blood sugar levels and has a low glycemic load. Broccoli is a delightful and fiber-rich side dish whether added to stir-fries, soups, or roasting with spices.

6. Oats

Popular whole grain cereal made from oats is high in soluble fiber. They aid in supporting better blood sugar management by slowing down digestion and the release of glucose into the system. Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal, or add oats to cookies or muffins for a snack or breakfast choice that is high in fiber.

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