8 home remedies to get rid of cervical pain


When cervical pain starts, get immediate relief by placing an ice pad for the first few days. It will lower down the pain and the swelling. Take over counter pain relievers, including ibuprofen or acetaminophen if your pain gets worse.

  • If you are a sports person or you do physical activities on a daily basis then you should take some off due to this pain. Even you are not allowed to lift the heavy objects as it will strain your spine which will harm you.
  • Three times a day, do some neck exercises in which you do slow movements of the neck left and right to prevent the pain.
  • While sleeping or sitting on the chair use a good posture in which you don’t incline down or your head should be straight.
  • Good massage: Doing massage can restore suppleness to the neck muscles and may improve your ability to move your head side-to-side. You can try any type of neck massage which benefits cervical spondylitis. Some use heat while doing massage as it treats well and provides even more pain relief.
  • Cervical Pillow: instead of using regular pillows, use the cervical pillow normally available in the markets, as it keeps your head in a good posture and causes less pain. During sleep, the neck should remain in a neutral position, aligned straight with the spine. However, sometimes it forces the neck to bend up or down, which contributes to neck pain.
  • Chinese method: Gua sha is a Chinese practice in which they give the neck a good massage involving a trained practitioner using a spoon to apply short strokes down the skin of the painful area. It is often applied to areas of the body where blood circulation is believed to be stagnant and blocking energy (called “qi”). According to the sources, there is no scientific evidence for qi, as some people found it useful from this technique. One small study found gua sha to lessen neck pain more than heat therapy, but not all studies agree as more studies are required.
  • Meditation: Find out a peaceful place for meditation as it gives you relaxation and makes you stress-free. Some examples of meditation include controlled breathing exercises, such as envisioning the pain moving from your neck to your arm and then eventually floating off your fingers.
  • Make a comfortable posture while you are watching the screen: The way you sit while watching the screen also triggers the pain in your neck. Sometimes, adults use le phones or laptops while lying which aggravates your neck by cradling your phone while talking, which puts extra stress on your cervical spine. Instead of that, use handsets for calls, and when you are reading or browsing the phone hold the phone up higher to decrease the angle and give some breaks to your neck.


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