Are blood clots normal during menstruation?


What is a blood clot?

“Blood clots will form anytime when you have a certain amount of blood that just sits there,” say experts. “Blood clots are supposed to happen to some degree, like when you cut yourself or wounds are there. But with period clots, what happens is if you’re having a good amount of bleeding, it collects inside your uterus and as it sits there it will make a clot”.

Is Blood clot during menstruation normal?
The doctor says if you’re concerned about whether blood clots are normal during your period, you should communicate it with your doctor. Blood clots during menstruation are a normal part of your cycle. Blood clots are normal when they happen at the start of the cycle or the end of the menstruation cycle and come out in bright red colour.

Sign of warning: A sign of warning is when you see golf ball-sized clots and pass them every couple of hours. Another cause is you are changing a tampon or pad after every hour. When you glance at this type of change you can consult the doctor immediately. To solve the problem your doctor would ask you some of the questions related to your period cycle including:

After your examination, your doctor will tell you the reasons behind the blood clots which are more than usual. The major reasons behind it are mentioned below:

• If you have taken any birth control contraceptive
• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
• Tranexamic acid.
• Hormonal therapy.
• Antifibrinolytic medicine.
• Surgery.

Consequences: When you suffer from heavy blood clots then there are chances to become anaemic or have low blood pressure as you have lost too much blood.

What causes period clots?
During menstruation, the hormones in your body cause the lining of your uterus to begin shedding. During that process, small blood vessels bleed. To protect your body from losing too much blood, plasma and platelets work together and form blood clots.


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