Benefits of breastmilk for the babies


Breast milk is not nutritional for the baby as it needs 6 months to grow and develop. In the first 6 months, the baby only needs breast milk.

Here are some of the benefits of breast milk a child derives from:

• Provides nutrition

Breast milk is the best food to help your baby grow and develop. It is custom-made by each mother for her baby. Breast milk has plenty of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals, and is easy to digest for a baby.

• Protect from sickness:

Breast milk gives your baby the strength to fight off sickness and disease.

After birth, the first milk your breasts make is called colostrum. It prevents harmful germs from making your baby sick. Colostrum does this by coating your baby’s digestive system so that germs have no place to grow. When a child is premature then this is required at utmost to protect the baby from any infection.

Breastfeeding reduces the chance of infection that are below mentioned:

• Diarrhea, ear infections or lung infections

• Die of sudden infant death syndrome

• Overweight when they are older

• Boost Brainpower

Research emphasizes the fact that children who were breastfed score higher on intelligence tests. The possibility of staying in school for a longer duration is higher than others.

• Beneficial for mothers as well:

As per the research study, breastfeeding can protect mothers from many other health ailments including, breast and ovarian cancer, diabetes, heart disease

As a mother uses energy to make milk, breastfeeding can aid to lose the weight that she gained during pregnancy.

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