Best food sources to get rid of Vitamin D deficiency  


Vitamin D is very important for the body as it regulates the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients are a must to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy to prevent illness.

According to the news sources, signs of vitamin D deficiency can cause bone deformities such as rickets in children, and bone pain, due to the disease called osteomalacia, found in adults.

Role of Vitamin D in Covid-19 time:

If you are staying indoors to prevent deadly viruses then take a small amount of Vitamin D to keep your bones healthy. The reason behind it is when the human body does not do movement in proper manner, or a person is just lying more than 12 hours daily then bones get weaker so to strengthen it body requires Vitamin D sources.

However, here are some good sources of Vitamin D which can help you in getting rid of deficiency:

  • Sunlight – Natural vitamin D source which we get from sunlight. From March till September we get maximum vitamins.
  • Oily fish- Some of oily fish contains the nutrients and calcium for body wellness
  • Egg yolk- Yellow art of egg is good for patients dealing with vitamin d deficiency.
  • Red meat- Red meat has an extreme portion of protein and vitamins for leading a healthy life.


Amount of Vitamin D required for human body?

Health experts say, tiny tots up to the age of 1 year need 8.5 to 10 micrograms of Vitamin D in a day. Toddlers from year one till adults need 10 micrograms of Vitamin D in which pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and the ones who are having deficiency of Vitamin D require the same amount in a day.

Are Vitamin D supplements healthy?

Even supplements of Vitamin D are available but doctors recommend that children over 4 years till adults can take supplements to meet the requirement if they don’t go out frequently as some people are housebound or are introverted. Another person who is studying or suffering from illness in which he can’t go out and lastly those people who wear full sleeves clothes that cover up most of their skin when outdoors as in these conditions they don’t get vitamin d from sun which is a natural source.


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