Botox Treatment: Myth V/S Facts


Botox treatment is nowadays on-trend. Various Hollywood celebrities and Bollywood actresses have shown the pros of this treatment.

But there are various myths associated with botox therapy that create chaos in the public. Let’s read about the treatment and some myths vs facts.

What is botox treatment?

Because Botox is a natural, pure protein, an injection of it induces the muscle to relax. The muscles that frown, knit their brows, or cause wrinkles in the skin on the face are the ones that relaxation targets to lessen and eventually eliminate wrinkles.


  1. The Pain From Botox And Fillers Is Intolerable –While receiving cosmetic injections, the client will usually feel some pain just like a normal injection but the myth that it is intolerable is not accurate. Most people say getting Botox injections feels like getting bitten by a bug; they are not at all painful. Although most fillers include the anaesthetic lidocaine to reduce pain, they can occasionally be a bit irritating.
  2. Botox Only Works For Facial Wrinkles – No, botox treatment works for other purposes also,  in addition, to eliminating creases and wrinkles from the face. Also, it calms down face twitching, jaw joint discomfort, migraines, neck and back pain, increased urination, and even depression.
  3. Botox side effects – Huge and wrong assumption of this therapy is that once you stop receiving treatment you will automatically see your face droop and wrinkle more than before. The fact is: Botox and fillers provide the skin with a precise pre-treatment appearance that doesn’t deteriorate once their effects wear off.
  4. The Botox treatment is only for women:-There is indeed a sharp rise in the number of requests for this therapy from guys. It’s a myth that only women want and undergo this therapy; guys wish to freeze their youth.
  5. Face Cream Can Perform the Same Function as Botox– With some, the idea of only using a lotion rather than receiving an injection is comfortable. Although a strong skincare regimen is important, a moisturizer alone will not produce the same outcomes as botox.
  6. Botox Won’t Look Natural– If you come across anybody with unnatural-looking lips or cheeks, it’s typically because they used too much filler or filler from a more expensive supplier. It is important to spend money on such therapies and to have them performed by a reputable facility.
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