DO’s and DON’Ts for protecting your eyes after surgery


After eye surgery a person needs proper attention and rest. There are some Do and Do’s which have to be followed by the patient.

Here are some Do’s that people should follow after their eye surgeries:

  • Dim Light – After the surgery doctors recommend staying in the dim light for early recovery. Harsh light will harm your eyes.
  • Eye protection- Whether you are sitting inside or stepping outside the home, it’s compulsory to wear eye protection glasses to prevent dust and rays.
  • Follow up appointments- Meet your doctor after 10 days for the regular check-up.
  • Limit the use of screen- Once you are done with surgery limit the use of mobile photos, laptops, Television as they put stain on your eyes which you have to avoid.

However, here are some things that you must avoid after the eye surgery:

  • Don’t drive on the first day. This is the foremost rule you have to obey. Since your vision will still be compromised on the same day of your surgery and even, medication given during surgery will impact your eyesight so driving can be risky. So, take your family member or friend along with you for the surgery.
  • Don’t do any heavy lifting or strenuous activity for a few weeks. As they need time to rest. Strenuous activity can create pressure in your optical veins and inhibit healing.
  • Avid bending after the surgery as the doctors say, immediate bending can bring more pressure to the eyes and can cause a rush of blood to your head that interferes with your recovering eyes. If there is an emergency then keep your head upright and squat down without lowering your head.
  • Avoid swimming – The only thing which can worsen your health is infection, so to avoid any infection don’t use public places such as swimming pools, washrooms for washing your face. Your eye’s natural healing process is to use clean water. You can bathe after the surgery by closing your eyes, as you don’t have to allow water to come into direct contact with your eyes.
  • Stay away from dust, and wind for a couple of weeks. These dust particles, wind will lengthen the time it takes for you to recover.
  • Don’t rub your eyes- Keep your hands clean if you have to touch the eyes to avoid any kind of infection. Sneezing is one of those involuntary reactions that are hard to control. If you have an allergy for something which can start the sneezes then you should stay away from it. Sneezing can put pressure on your eyes which will be harmful.


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