13 tips for having a healthy pregnancy


For a healthy pregnancy, women should take a proper meal and try to limit the food containing high sugar. Besides, the woman must keep good care of her body to remain healthy and to give birth to a healthy child. Even there are some foods and beverages which can cause risk to you and your baby.

During pregnancy, women can follow these tips to stay healthy and positive:

  1. Regular Exercise: By doing exercise regularly, your body will stay active. Even it helps lower the stress level and control your weight. Your blood circulation also gets improved. Another fact is that in order to have adequate sleep, exercise is mandatory.
  2. Education related to pregnancy is important: Attending a childbirth class enhances your knowledge and even prepares you for normal delivery. Even though it is your second child, still you should attend the classes. You still get a chance to know about childbirth and infant care. If you have any doubts or queries related to your pregnancy then you should raise your voice.
  3. Stay in touch with a Gynaecologist: You have an opportunity to share your family’s medical history. Talk to your doctor about problems with past pregnancies, and report any family incidences of birth defects.
  4. Quit Alcohol and Smoking: During pregnancy, alcohol and smoking is prohibited as it affects you as well as your baby’s health. Even there are chances of miscarriages.
  5. Don’t lift heavy objects: Pregnant ladies are advised not to lift any kind of heavy objects as it will put a pressure on your baby, which is risky. Lift light weight objects which will not cause any harm.
  6. Stairs to be avoided: Avoid climbing ladders or using stairs for going up and down as it will make you restless. Even your breathing will be affected.
  7. Stop using harsh chemicals: If you are using any kind of harsh chemicals then stop using it during pregnancy and consult your doctor once and use prescribed products.
  8. Don’t stand: Doctors advise not to stand for long periods of time, especially near a hot stove. Standing for long will lead to swelling in your feet.
  9. Balance your Weight: There is no doubt that during pregnancy, a lady eats for two but it is advised that excess eating leads to weight gain which causes problems during labour. There is some amount of calories which a lady should consume according to the week.
  10. Adopt flats over heels as it’s important to wear comfortable shoes when you’re pregnant to prevent swelling of the feet, legs, and ankles.
  11. Drink around 10 glasses of water throughout the day. It will reduce the problems such as headaches, swelling, and other uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms.
  12. Fruits such as Apples and Bananas are good for pregnancy. You can eat them anytime in a day.
  13. Self care is important: Lunch date with your closed ones, salon session, a much-needed night out with friends, or simply taking a walk and that’s good for your health and baby.