Experts say drinking water with meals is harmful for health


Doctors always recommend staying hydrated always and it involves more than just drinking water. But contradicting information is out that it’s not a good idea to drink water while you eat.

The reason for not drinking water is that it creates disruption in digestion.  It might be more challenging since water and other liquids can weaken digestive juices. Drinking throughout mealtime could also lead to improper swallowing techniques because it slows you down and makes it more likely that you’ll take your meals whole. No liquids should ever be combined with solids as a general rule. In general, liquids enter right into the colon, eliminating all digestive enzymes and preventing digestion.

The question arises; why it’s not a good idea to drink anything when eating?

One adverse impact of drinking water with meals is a tendency may gain weight over time. This is due to a spike in insulin levels, which causes meals to be broken down into fat that is then accumulated. Ayurveda also claims that one of the main reasons for obesity is a weak digestive fire.

Acid reflux in the mouth and stomach can result from drinking liquids while eating food. You could burp more frequently as a result of having to swallow more air. This will divert your focus from your meal, and you will feel fuller early.

Hormone insulin controls blood sugar levels and fat storage, and drinking water in between meals increases insulin in your body. When fluids are consumed with meals, insulin levels may rise, and chances of weight gain rise. Not only ordinary water but juice or sodas also impact how much insulin your body generates.

Reduces saliva production: Saliva is a vital part of digestive, assisting in the process of decomposition and digesting of food. However, drinking water while eating diminishes saliva production and also decreases the efficiency of the saliva.


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