Face Blindness: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment


This disorder is usually caused by a neurodegenerative disorder such as traumatic brain injury, stroke, or dementia. In children, it is associated with autism or Asperger’s syndrome. “Patients with such neurological injuries remain at high risk of acquired prosopagnosia. The milder type is a congenital atypical and is present at birth. A family with congenital prosopagnosia. People with a  history are at increased risk due to genetic mutations or deletions. Children with autism are also at risk due to impaired social development. ”

Face disapproval, Or facial disapproval, which may sound like the face is selectively unrecognizable, was first documented in the 19th century. It was named Prosopagnosia in 1947 by the German neurologist Joachim Bodamer.

According to studies, the disease affects about 2% of the general population. Talk to an expert to understand the details. Prosopagnosia comes from the Greek words prosopon (meaning face) and agnosia (meaning ignorance). Prosopagnosics often have difficulty recognizing family, close friends, and even themselves.
“This is caused by damage to the back of the brain, or the superior temporal gyrus called the facial recognition area. The facial recognition area depends on the voice, clothing, or specific physical characteristics of the people around it. Use clues such as identification. In patients with traumatic brain injury or stroke, the natural plasticity of the brain can lead to healing of the brain parenchyma, which in some patients recovers from facial recognition. It can lead to, ” says health experts.
With the prevention of neuropathy. By controlling blood pressure and diabetes and preventing lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, it is possible to suppress acquired neurological damage and reduce the possibility of acquired prosopagnosia.
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