Follow skincare routine to delay the ageing


Here are some of the skincare and healthcare routines to be followed to reach out to the ageing.

• Perform some yoga: Yoga is the best method to keep your mind cool, and the same goes for sleep as well. If you are struggling with stressful thoughts, a few minutes of yoga right before bed can improve breathing patterns, help you stretch out, and get relief from stressful thoughts as well. Another method to relieve stress is to play some gentle yoga music as it will distract your mind from those negative thoughts.

• Limit screen time: To buffer at the screen at the sleep time triggers poor sleep patterns and reason for quicker aging. The short window where we start to get cozy till finally fall asleep is known as buffer time. Because the blue light emitted by these devices overlaps with melatonin production thereby disturbs sleep. Experts suggest shutting down your electronics at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

• Try different activities: If yoga is not your cup of tea then try other activities, such as painting, book reading, slow moves of dance that regularize breathing patterns and induce relaxation. Additionally, go for physical activities, outdoor games to keep the brain engaged. This routine will make you sleep early as you may feel exhausted enough to just fall asleep.

• Ensure your room is cozy: Prepare a peaceful environment for good sleep. For this, place thick curtains in your bedroom to prevent external light from entering, and at the same time, it must be cool, and quiet. Make sure your room is clean and well organized as it helps to give you positive vibes to sleep peacefully.

Key points:

• Many people like to follow nighttime skincare routines to stay away from the early onset of the signs of ageing.

• The blue light emitted by electronic devices mess with melatonin production disturbs sleep.

• A peaceful environment is required for good sleep.

Health organizations such as Centres for Disease Control and National Sleep Foundation discovered that seven hours of sleep is a must for adults. But, unfortunately, adults do not succeed in getting the same due to various reasons such as stress, sleep disorders. However, getting ample sleep tackles mood swings, irritation, and early aging as well.