Here’s how self-advocating can benefit prostate cancer patients


Self advocate in the term prostate cancer refers to the participation in your health care by listening, learning, asking frequent questions, and connecting with others or doctors actively.

Here self advocate does not imply that you solely will treat yourself for your cancer treatment and get rid of it or simply means that apart from the doctors medical treatment you need to take self-care or self pampering is required to come out of that horrific situation. Instead, it makes you realize that in this entire treatment you’re a key part of your health care team. This self-advocate puts you in that frame of mind that ensures you’re getting the care that benefits you.

  • Learn about your disease- Understanding about your cancer and its treatment helps you to go through its treatment along with the emotional rollercoaster. Often, when people are diagnosed with prostate cancer, they feel powerless and shocked, but education is information and little information acts as a power.
  • Read or collect the information- At present the Internet coatina all the information about the medical treatment, so whenever you are in doubt you can read it and understand it. Also, it helps to enhance your knowledge in that particular field.
  • Clear your doubts with the experts- A good medical team is always there to assist you throughout your treatment. Whenever you are in trouble, you can contact them and take help.
  • Double check- After finding out your medical condition, it’s your right to consult two-three doctors for the clear solution. It gives you a way out.
  • Self- care- To divert your mind and to get out of sadness, pamper yourself with good books, social media, spa time, gaming zone that will decrease your stress and increase your happy hormones which will further give you strength to fight the battle.
  •      Make connections-  Be socially active! There are communities either formed by patients or health experts that have developed local prostate cancer support groups for the patients in extracting the information about the treatment, such as its conditions, and side-effects. These groups are proven to be useful for patients who go through diagnosis and treatment. This kind of platform gives them support and courage to battle the war.

Not everyone goes through the same situation, same treatment or side effects, so groups are meant to outline about the isase, give them the hints for which they will go through, give emotional support, relationships, shared stories, and advice, but make sure you consult your doctor when it comes to risks, benefits, and alternatives to screening and treatment.

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