Here’s why you get stretch marks on your body 

Stretch marks are a widespread problem that affects both men and women. They are tenacious and have a negative impact on people’s confidence. This is one beauty affliction that can be noticed on the waist, thighs, lower backs, hips, breasts, arms, and buttocks, whether it’s related to pregnancy or unexpected weight gain.
Stretch marks are usually visible on your skin as bands of parallel lines. These lines range in colour and texture from purple to bright pink to light grey, and they are different from your typical skin. Stretch marks are caused by the skin overstretching and the fibres breaking as a result of rapid weight increase. The blood vessels beneath the skin show as the dermis splits, making the stretch marks seem red or purple at first. The pale-colored fat beneath your skin becomes evident when the blood vessels shrink, and the marks become silvery-white in colour.
1. Being pregnant
Stretch marks appear in most pregnant women as the skin’s fibres soften and stretch to make room for the growing baby. Stretch marks form on the abdomen, thighs, and breasts as the baby grows owing to the constant tugging and stretching.
2. Adolescence
During puberty, children go through a significant growth spurt and may gain or lose weight quickly. Stretch marks appear on the hips, thighs, and breasts as a result of the sudden stretching and contracting of the skin.
3. Gaining weight
Stretch marks appear when the skin stretches rapidly as a result of rapid weight gain. They can emerge while you’re on a diet since your weight fluctuates. As a result, it is best to lose weight gradually so that the skin does not become stressed.
4. Corticosteroids
Stretch marks can be caused by corticosteroid creams, lotions, and pills used to treat some skin conditions because they reduce collagen levels in the skin. This reduces the skin’s capacity to stretch, making you more prone to stretch marks.
5. Genetics
If your parents have stretch marks, you are much than likely to get them as well.
6. Health problems
Stretch marks are caused by a variety of illnesses, including Cushing’s syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and other adrenal gland disorders. The body overproduces the hormone cortisol in Cushing’s syndrome, resulting in these markings. Meanwhile, Marfan syndrome is caused by a defective gene that causes the skin and connective tissues of the body to become thin and brittle, increasing the risk of stretch marks.
7. Muscle Building
Stretch marks are a prevalent problem among bodybuilders. Stretch marks arise as a result of rapid muscle growth and, in some cases, the usage of anabolic drugs to stimulate muscular growth.