How to deal with gas and bloating?

How to deal with gas and bloating?

Have you ever heard of the FODMAP diet? This eating plan was originally developed to help irritable bowel syndrome.

What Is a FODMAP?

FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols) are short-chain carbohydrates that occur naturally in many of the foods that we eat. These particular types of carbohydrates share three important characteristics:

1. They are poorly absorbed in the intestine
2. Draw extra water into the intestine
3. Rapidly fermented by bacteria in the bowel.

Reading the above characteristics, they don’t exactly sound right. Depending on the quantity consumed and an individual’s tolerance, FODMAPs can lead to increased gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea.

Here are some of the foods that you can avoid for prevention from gas and bloating:


Try to steer clear of oligosaccharides for a while if you want to give your stomach a rest. These can be divided into two parts:

Fructans – found in wheat products, onions and garlic

Galactans – found in lentils, chickpeas, broccoli, beans, and soy-based products.


The most commonly known disaccharide is lactose, which naturally occurs in milk and some dairy products. Try to cut milk, yogurt, cheeses, ice cream, etc.


Fructose is a monosaccharide found in fruits. Avoid are honey, mangoes, and watermelon to prevent upset stomach.


Polyols are sugar alcohols found in fruits such as cherries, apples and pears; and vegetables such as mushrooms and cauliflower.

How the Low FODMAP Diet May Work

This diet starts with a low FODMAP period, usually ranging from six to eight weeks. Then, under a medical professional’s observation, a patient will gradually reintroduce certain FODMAP containing foods. When certain foods are being reintroduced, it is important to keep a track of signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal distress in order to help identify food offenders.

Reintroduction is important because over-restriction can cause harm too. Cutting too many fruits, vegetables, plant-based proteins and dairy foods from the diet can lead to increased risk of nutrition deficiency. This is why prior to starting any new diet, a medical professional needs to be consulted. Starting FODMAP diet without consultation may lead to adverse results.

Once you figure out what kind of foods don’t suit you, you can get back to eating your favourite dishes.

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