6 tips to protect eyes from sun in summer

As summer approaches rapidly, many overlook the significance of caring for their eyes, especially those with pre-existing conditions. Yet, soaring temperatures can present notable risks to eye well-being, leading to discomfort and potentially severe issues if ignored. The World Health Organization reports that globally, 15 million people suffer from blindness caused by cataracts, with up to 10% of these cases potentially linked to exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Ensuring Protection from Summer Sun: Vital Tips

1. Sunglasses Selection: Sunglasses aren’t just a style statement; they are essential for safeguarding your eyes. Opt for shades that provide full UVA and UVB protection, covering the entire eye area.

2. Seeking Shelter: During peak sunlight hours, it’s wise to find shade outdoors to minimize direct exposure to harmful UV rays and lower the risk of eye-related problems.

3. Managing Dryness: Summer can exacerbate dry eye syndrome due to harsh winds and high temperatures. Wearing sunglasses with comprehensive coverage and using lubricating eye drops can alleviate discomfort and prevent potential vision loss.

4. Staying Hydrated: Proper hydration is vital for overall health, including eye health. Drink plenty of water and consume hydrating fruits to prevent dehydration and tackle eye-related issues during the summer months.

5. Nutritious Eating: A balanced diet supports eye health and acts as a natural defense. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts and salmon, are beneficial. Additionally, incorporating ample green vegetables into your meals promotes optimal eye health.

6. Limiting Screen Time: Implementing breaks throughout the day and setting time limits for electronic device usage can help reduce screen time. Using blue light filters and adjusting screen brightness can also alleviate eye strain and discomfort.

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