Have you been thinking why have you not recovered from your stomach infection just yet? It could be because you are deficient in Vitamin-D which slows down the recovery rate. Vitamin D is already present in the body and is activated when ever you are under the sun. It increases the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. This in turn makes the bones and teeth stronger. Vitamin-D deficiency is becoming a major problem today because of our unhealthy lifestyle. People are mostly inside their homes and don’t get enough sunlight. Obese people are at a higher risk as more amount of fat requires more amount of Vitamin-D. People with darker skin tone could also lack the vitamin as their body doesn’t let sun rays penetrate inside to activate Vitamin-D. Here is how you can find out if you lack the vitamin too:


  • Pain In Muscles And Joints: People who have muscle or joint pains consider it as a lack of calcium and take in supplements. However, they do not realise that it is the deficiency of Vitamin-D that is causing them pain. Thus, one should pay attention to it and get enough sun light everyday.
  • Stomach Problems: If you have digestive issues, your body would absorb less Vitamin-D. Thus, you should pay attention to problems like excessive gas, constipation, and bloating.
  • Depression: Serotonin is a hormone responsible for our mood control and is produced only when we have abundance of Vitamin-D in the body. Thus, if you are feeling sad and anxious, you might be deficient in Vitamin-D. Thus, do not ignore this sign.
  • Stunted Growth In Kids: If your kid’s body is not developing even after feeding him nutritious food and taking care of his or her physical health, they could be deficient in Vitamin-D. It prevents the proper development of bones.
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