An example of an ingredient that is rich in Vitamin C is lemon and orange.
Cleanse our body
It helps remove toxins from our body which keeps our urinary tract hale and hearty.
Strengthens our Immune System
Lemon is a source of Vitamin C which is a good fighter against common colds. They are rich in potassium which helps in nourishing our nerve system. Lemon can control the blood pressure of our body also.
Balances the pH level in our body
Lemons are naturally acidic but once it is consumed and already inside the body, they are alkaline.
Gives clear skin
The antioxidants from lemon and peels of orange lessen blemishes and wrinkles in our skin. Vitamin C which aids in fighting bacteria against acne and spots helps in rejuvenating our skin by detoxifying our blood which produces clearer and glowing skin. It can be used for lowering down the tanning on the body parts.
Freshens breath.
Lemons are widely known for curing toothache. Since citric acid can destroy our enamel, so first brush your teeth then the warm lemon water.
Vitamin C improves our eyesight and protects us from having any eye problems in future.
Preventing viral infection.
Having warm lemon water in the morning is the most effective way to fight against infections as well as soothe sore throats.