Pre and Post Holi skincare tips that you must follow

This year, Holi will be celebrated on March 25, when the Hindu community worldwide will celebrate with immense enthusiasm, indulging in the tradition of smearing and splashing vibrant colored powders and water. It is crucial to prioritize skincare amidst the festivities. Though these colorful powders and water balloons contribute to the festive ambiance, they may contain harsh chemicals and dyes, potentially causing skin irritation, allergies, or temporary staining.

Here are some pre-Holi skincare tips:

  1. Apply a generous layer of moisturizer or a thick oil like coconut oil on your skin to create a protective barrier.
  2. Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to shield your skin from harmful UV rays.
  3. Wear protective clothing such as full-sleeved clothes, glasses to safeguard your eyes, and a scarf to shield your hair from color damage.
  4. Keep your nails short to prevent the accumulation of colors underneath.
  5. Opt for herbal colors derived from flowers, vegetables, leaves, etc., instead of chemical-based ones.
  6. Always scrutinize the ingredients of Holi colors before purchase.

For post-Holi skincare:

  1. Gently wash off colors with lukewarm water after the festivities.
  2. Avoid scrubbing or rubbing your skin vigorously to remove colors, as this may cause further irritation.
  3. Apply moisturizer immediately after bathing on slightly damp skin to lock in moisture.
  4. Refrain from using skincare products containing retinol, glycolic acid, kojic acid, or Vitamin C immediately after playing with colors, as these can exacerbate skin sensitivity. Resume their usage after 4 to 5 days, and in the interim, stick to moisturizer and sunscreen.
  5. If you experience irritation, soothe your skin with plain coconut oil or aloe vera gel, which can help in healing and calming the skin.
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