Serious health problems from unhygienic environment

For millions of people, illnesses caused by germs and worms in faeces are a regular source of suffering. These infections can last for years and can lead to additional health issues like dehydration, anaemia, and malnutrition. Severe sanitation-related infections, such as cholera, can spread quickly, killing a large number of people.
Handwashing, cooking with clean utensils, and covering food are all good hygiene practises.
Sanitation entails the use of a toilet and the washing of hands as soon as possible.
Germs are to blame for bladder and kidney infections. Because bacteria can easily enter the body through the urinary orifice near the vagina, these illnesses are far more common in women than in men. Urinary tract infections can be mild, severe, and even life-threatening. Bladder infection causes Germs can get into a woman’s urinary opening and cause infection if she:
Going for an extended period of time without urinating. Try to urinate every 3 to 4 hours if possible.
Going for an extended period of time without drinking liquids. At least 8 glasses or cups of clean water should be consumed each day. When working in the sun, drink more water.
Lack of cleanliness of her genitals. Wash your genitals at least once a day, and always wipe from front to back after using the restroom.
‘Has sex,’ says the narrator. One of the most common causes of bladder infection in women is a urinary tract infection. Urinate after having intercourse to avoid infection. The microorganisms that cause bladder infections are washed out of the urine tube.
Symptoms and treatment options : 
The following are symptoms of a bladder or urinary tract infection:
• Urge to urinate frequently and urgently
• Pain in the lower abdomen immediately after urinating
• Urinating causes a burning sensation.
• Urinating uncontrollably
• Urine that is reddish or hazy
• Urine with a foul odour
If you’re experiencing symptoms of a bladder infection, drink plenty of water to help flush the bacteria out. If you don’t treat a bladder infection, it can get worse and can infect your kidneys. If the symptoms persist for more than two days, you may require medication.
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