6 health benefits of cardamom


Cardamom is very commonly known as elaichi which is used in every home. This ingredient is the core element that can be used in every single dish. Doctors prescribe that “A person can either eat 2-3 green cardamom in a day as it refreshes the breath and is good for digestion or 250mg cardamom powder as both weigh the same.

High Blood Pressure: One study revealed that eating 3 grams of cardamom daily normalises blood pressure. This is likely due to its diuretic and antioxidant capacities. This spice also has been proven effective in battling inflammation due to the antioxidant properties of cardamom.

Healthy digestion: Eating cardamom balances your digestion as it is effective against gastric ulcers. This spice gives you relief from discomfort, nausea and vomiting as it has been used for thousands of years.

Cavity problems:
Cardamom helps in fighting cavities. Anyone having a toothache can eat cardamom or keep it below the teeth as it gives you relief from the pain. One study showed it prevents the growth of several cavity-causing bacteria.

Breathing and Oxygen: Elaichi benefits breathing and oxygen uptake too, one study showed in subjects that inhaled elaichi essential oil. One animal study showed the benefits of eating elaichi may even extend to fighting anxious behaviours.

Weight loss: Elaichi has a great benefit as it aids in weight loss through improved metabolism and digestion. To acquire the maximum benefits of cardamom water, crush 3-4 cardamom and add them into a glass of water. Keep it aside overnight and then the next morning drink. You can drink daily as it is helpful.

Healthy Skin and Hair: One ingredient has multiple health benefits and apart it lays an impact on the skin and hair. Traditionally, this spice is said to be useful in treating acne marks and blemishes.

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