Dry Eye in children: Causes, Symptoms and Recommendations


Dry eyes in children are common as they roam around the house, school and playgrounds where they come in contact with dust, sand, and more bacteria. They wipe their hands on their face and eyes which causes dry eyes. Children’s eyes seem swollen out due to the dryness. Your child’s eyesight can get foggy as a result. However, visual difficulties from dry eyes are rarely long-lasting.

Dry eyes might have several distinct reasons such as dry weather, smoking, or smog relatively often. Additionally, the eyes can occasionally get irritated by allergies or contact lenses.

Here are the reasons behind dry eyes in kids.

Children with dry eyes syndrome might struggle to take part in typical everyday activities including studying, using a computer, and exercising. Focusing in class can occasionally be hampered by burning, itchy, and irritated eyes as well as continuous blinking. Your child’s dry eyes may be caused by a variety of factors. Some of them consist of:

  1. Contact lens irritate
  2. Conjunctivitis (pink eye) can occasionally result in a specific form of dry eye.
  3. A lack of nutrition
  4. Constant usage of mobile phones and other electronic gadgets

Here are a few typical signs of pediatric dry eye syndrome:

  • Constantly wiping your eyes; frequent blinking; redness around the eyes; and moving away from light sources
    • Burning or stinging sensation in the eyes’ outer corners
  • Periods of visual haze
  • Difficulties with tasks that demand visual focus, such as reading, using digital gadgets, or any other activity.

Several recommendations to prevent dry eye are:

  1. Avoid smoking and other eye-irritating substances.
  2. Make sure your kid wears a pair of sunglasses that encircles both sides of the head. Consider wearing a hat or an umbrella to shield your eyes from the sun, wind, dust, and grime that are also a reason of dry eye.
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