Can excessive use of earphones cause ear infection?


Nowadays, earphones have become a necessity for children to the old age people. Firstly, earphones were plugged to listen to the songs or to watch a movie. But in this Covid-19 pandemic, the use of earphones has increased. Mobile phones and the earphones were very important to attend the zoom classes or the zoom meetings.

In the lockdown people were homebound which made the younger generation use the electronics constantly along with earphones or headphones. However, this is an unhealthy lifestyle habit that can affect your health.

Doctor proposed that, “Earphone usage should not exceed more than an hour per day. Make sure you limit your usage and keep ear pain or hearing loss at bay”.

Excessive earphone usage can cause unthinkable health ailments. You can consult your doctor about the consequences over usage of earphones.

Earphones or headphones are directly plugged into the ear canal and it can become a barrier for the ears’ air passage. This blockage can give birth to many kinds of ear infections. The bacteria take place in your ears according to your usage of the earphones. You should avoid sharing earphones as bacteria get spread from skin to skin.

Ear pain is one of the most common side effects of using earphones for a long duration. Excess noise transmits from your devices to your ears. High volume levels should be avoided at all costs. Even a low cost or poor fit earphones or headphones can cause mild ear pain.

You might suffer from dizziness as the increased pressure in the ear canal because of loud sounds leads to it.

Listening to songs at full volume is also a reason behind the ear infection. It can damage the ear cells completely if you hear continuously which disturbs the whole process of sound transmission. You can also suffer from hearing loss as a side effect.

Using earphones for prolonged time can weaken your concentration level. Even if you don’t focus on the things you want to.

Health experts say: some ailments related to ear are:

  • Tinnitus: By excessive usage, the damaged hair cells in cochlea can make people listen to noises like, ringing, buzzing, and roaring in either ear or head which are baseless.
  • HyperacusisPeople who suffer from tinnitus are likely to develop problems including high sensitivity to normal environment sounds even. Studies revealed that around 50% of people suffer this ailment known as Hyperacusis.


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