We all wish to be liked and adored by people. People put in several efforts to be famous. In a study, it was found that people can be swayed easily if we use a low pitched tone as it is linked with emotions. High pitched voice can be annoying for some. Thus, the best way to influence somebody is by speaking softly. Celebrities have always influenced people. They also show us how we can impress and win over people without saying much-
1.Be Confident- Speak confidently in front of people. When you go up on a stage in front of an audience, make sure you only carry a mic with you. Don’t prefer a podium and keep walking around the stage to show people that you are confident and have nothing to hide.
2.Remain Keen- A little tilt of your head can influence people by making it seem that you are interested in their conversation. This can help you win over people.
3.Positive Body Language- Make sure you have a warm body language. People are attracted to those who appear to be kind and welcoming. You can also mirror the other person’s body language which can make them feel more comfortable in your presence.
4.Treat Everybody Equally- An impressive trait is when you don’t differentiate between people in any way. Remain eased out and treat people of all high and low posts equally. This creates a happy and positive atmosphere and make people more than comfortable.
5.Dress According To The Occasion- Decide your outfit according to the venue. Make sure you dress decently for a job interview. Do not reveal too much of skin as it can be unprofessional. Wear a simple formal pencil skirt with a white shirt and black heels. This would create a good impression.