Intermittent fasting can pose threat to lactating mothers



Nowadays, intermittent fasting is on ten, every celebrity is following this diet plan. Let’s read about fasting.

A diet plan known as intermittent fasting involves eating just during certain times of the day and refraining from eating the rest of the time. All it does is, promotes weight reduction, prevention of chronic illnesses including diabetics, high blood cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and obesity, and improvement of psychological health are all benefits of calorie restriction.

According to experts, intermittent fasting during nursing carries some danger since it may be difficult to fulfill the child’s and new moms’ needs for calories, nutrients, and fluids.

“For the health of both mother and child during lactation, a balanced meal is necessary. Healthy eating habits for the mom will safeguard the wellbeing of the child”, says an expert.

  • For the purpose of enhancing milk production, a nursing lady requires more calories. So, the amount of breastmilk is also impacted by the mother’s fasting or by her lowered calorie consumption.
  • When fasting for a prolonged period of time, both quantity and quality may be impacted. If you’re able to eat during calorie counting, the form of food you eat at that time also plays an important role.
  • It has been observed that your daily needs for macronutrients and micronutrients really aren’t satisfied since you frequently skip one or two main meals in the spirit of fasting. The quality of breastmilk may be impacted if the micronutrient requirement is not reached.
  • Your body craves extra nutritious and energy-dense meals as a result of nursing since it becomes more thirsty and full. If you decide to fast, your body will be even more deprived of food, which will cause starvation, exhaustion, poor energy, and other problems.

Intermittent fasting can have some side effects for the infant:

  • The baby could become more sluggish due to decreased milk supply;
  • The baby will continue to be hungry.
  • The newborn’s bowel motions may become irregular because of reduced nutrition.
  • The infant can be dehydrated.
  • Overall, it might result in a weight increase or decrease.

“During breastfeeding, shredding pounds through crash diets can pose a risk to you and your mother so be aware of what you do. A new mom-to-be should maintain a nutritious diet and exercise regularly to stay fit”, experts conclude.

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