The JEE Advanced exam is the final obstacle in the way of students to get the most prestigious seat in IIT. This is clearly one of the most difficult entrance exams but still rigorous practice will help the students to pass the exam easily.

Students should start their preparation with a full proof time table, dedicating equal time for each subject.

The JEE Advanced paper has many types of questions. Multiple-choice type questions have either one correct answer or multiple answers. Mix and match type queries can include matching two columns or three columns.

Integer type questions include a subjective type question with an integer or can be correctly asked up to two decimal places. Students are advised to be careful as there is negative marking in the paper. The preparation strategy should be built with effective time management and subject wise planning.


Here are some important tips that will help you prepare for JEE Advanced in a month:

Study time: Within only one month, students should strictly follow the time table.
Mock test: Mock test plays an important role in making you familiar with the pattern of the paper as well as examining your strong and weak areas. In order to analyse your preparation and choose the correct answers in the examination, students are advised to take mock tests.
Time Management: Always remember that all students have 24 hours a day. According to experts, 5-6 hours of serious study a day is necessary to crack JEE Advanced.
Speed ​​and Accuracy: Students will be given limited time to complete the exam. You will have to maintain a constant pace but do not forget the accuracy, this will help you score more.
Health: Don’t forget to take care of your physical and mental health. Finally, good health is very important for any examination. Get a good 6 hours of sleep a day.

The pattern for the exam remains the same, however, no question has ever been repeated in the JEE Advanced exam.

The JEE Advanced exam question paper will be divided into three sections Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The main focus should be on the following topics:

Mathematics: Quadratic equations and expressions, complex numbers, probability, area and 3D geometry, Matrix in algebra; Circle, parabola, hyperbola in coordinate geometry; Functions, Limits, Continuity and Differentiality, Elements of Application, Infinite Calculus.

Physics: mechanics, fluids, heat and thermodynamics, waves and sound, capacitors and electrostatics, magnetics, electromagnetic induction, optics and modern physics.

Chemistry: qualitative analysis, coordination chemistry and chemical inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry.

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