Tips to get rid of Migraine pain


A migraine pain is much worse than a headache. This is a neurological disease that can affect debilitating throbbing pain that can lead to bed rest for days. There are some reasons which trigger migraine pain such as, light, sound and poor eyesight.

As per doctors, some common and uncommon symptoms of migraine are: headache, tiredness, difficulty in communicating, nausea, visual disturbances, and temporary loss of vision.

Researchers say that migraine pain is the sixth most disabling disease in the world. Here are some tips and doctors’ advice which can help you get rid of the pain

  • People with migraine pain encounter sensitivity to light and sound which creates the pain worse than before. To treat that pain prefer to stay in a room that’s dark and quiet where you will be able to sleep
  • Doctor says. “Not all headaches respond to sleep”. If a person is sensitive to sounds, blocking them out could help with pain.
  • While in pain place a warm or cold compress across your forehead or the back of your neck according to your situation. Heat can help relax tense muscles. You may also try taking a warm bath or shower. Whereas, cold compressors make your pain numb and give you relief.
  • Experts say some people have migraine pain due to the dehydration which further triggers headaches. So they advise to stay hydrated in between attacks which may help to prevent some. Once you feel a migraine coming on, aggressively hydrating may help shorten the length of your attack.
  • If you are bored of plain water then add a slice of lemon or lime or add a small amount of fruit juice for better taste so that you may drink more.
  • Even doing massage can relax the muscles and studies denote that massage with soft hands will decrease the pain with time. But on the other hand doctors say that some pain is so bad that they may be extremely sensitive to touch, and a massage can make them feel worse. So it depends upon the person.
  • Try meditation to divert your mind from these painful attacks. It can help people manage stress differently by focusing on the present moment.
  • Do exercise in the morning which will lower the migraine attack. Contrary to popular belief, exercise won’t trigger a migraine in most people, experts say.

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