Yoga exercises to increase memory and concentration level


Everyone may practise yoga, irrespective of age, gender, or degree of fitness. This ancient discipline is a dynamic process that enhances brain processes, making it the elixir for youth and vitality. In addition to this, yoga offers us countless physical advantages since its asanas, pranayama, and meditation practises have a favourable effect on our bodies’ circulatory, pulmonary, cardiovascular, digestive, and neural systems, among other systems.

This helps with the entire growth of the person since yoga improves skills, which increases productivity.

The regular practice of asanas improves concentration, immunity, and focus, has a holistic effect on the central nervous system, significantly influences how well an individual’s brain develops, fosters creativity, keeps the brain healthy, and delays the onset of mental disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Yoga has been shown to improve both mental and physical wellness.

Yoga may help you feel good and significantly improve the quality of your life. You may undoubtedly increase your levels of focus by regularly practicing these asanas. Yoga keeps your body and mind active and in top condition, irrespective of whether you’re a student, professional, homemaker, or retired professional.


  1. Vrikshasana – Tree Pose
  2. Paschimottanasana – Seated Forward Bending
  3. Bakasana – Crane Pose
  4. Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose
  5. Sirshasana – Headstand Pose



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